Testing COM with SuperCAT
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Testing COM with SuperCAT
September 21st, 2023

One of my favorite parts of working in SoundTools sales is talking with customers about application ideas and solving common audio problems using SoundTools products. Recently I got a chance to test using CAT Boxes and the SoundTools SuperCAT cable to send COM signal over 750 feet. The end result was impressive!

The application needed to be able to have multiple access points along the route, every 100 feet or so, using the parallel out on the CAT Box, making

he application needed to be able to have multiple access points along the route, every 100 feet or so, using the parallel out on the CAT Box, making the COM signal available on input 1 all the way down the line. This would allow operators at various locations to tap into the CAT Box and be able to join the communications channel.

We started with the minimum spec, added several CAT boxes and about 1000 feet of SoundTools SuperCAT cable (purple, my favorite flavor) and 4 COM handsets with packs. Fired up and tested and they worked perfectly! The shielded cable carried the COM power all the way down the line and we had fun talking to each other over the CAT system. Having resolved the application would work, we set out to beat it.

2 more COM units, another 500 feet of cable and we’re still good to go. Clear audio and no interference in the shop test and we were feeling good. After that the COM system started having trouble sending power (something that

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